Cool Energy Manufacturers, Suppliers & Installers of Air Source Heat Pumps, Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Battery Storage & Renewable Energy Products

Manufacturers, Suppliers
& Installers

of Air Source Heat Pumps, Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Battery Storage
& Renewable Energy Products
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Experts in renewable heating for business and home. We design and install precision renewable energy solutions across the UK.

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The UK’s largest independent manufacturer and supplier of heat pumps and smart heating products.

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We’re a pioneering team of
renewable heating professionals

We're building a better energy future for all

Cool Energy is committed to making the world cleaner and healthier. From development to operation, we create and operate valuable renewable projects that will benefit communities for decades.
Our Services
Cool Energy solar pv Installation
Cool Energy Air Source Heat Pump Installation

Ready to embark on your
renewable energy journey?

Contact us today to discuss your project, explore our range of products,
and discover how Cool Energy can help.

For further information or a
FREE no-obligation quote

call +44 1472 867167 or email
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